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Perfect agile team

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In Agile teams, there is no place for dictatorship terms and the one man rule. The project that teams deliver is a collective input from every member in the team, and all team members are committed to bringing the highest standards of quality to the table.  Teams practicing Agile development focus more on skill sets and talent rather than departments and groups so they are able to solve any and every problem that comes our way.

Each team member at Agile should have a skill to perform any job. Also, the team members should not be limited to particular tasks even if the team consists of specialists too. As all the team members are uniquely qualified to do any type of task, the testing is done on an exploratory basis by all the team members.

Collaboration is an integral part of the whole team effort and the team members should team up for tasks such as testing or programming.  Help should be available at any point of time for any member of the team. Also, the collective team effort means that everyone is involved into developing new software and coming up with a new ideas.

When it comes to organizing people and talent, my perfect Agile team will be cross functional because it allows me to use the best talent and skills for particular project.

As the early forms of extreme programming (XP) were based on small teams, my team would not be bigger than 6 team members. My companies will encourage work in pods where pairing will be natural and a helpful team member is always at hand when needed.

In a perfect agile team...

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