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Good Teams Know How to Create Success from Failure

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One of the common objections I hear from teams is, “We have tried it before and it didn't work".

Also, we are hearing a lot about agile project failures because more and more companies are jumping into agile without doing their homework and establishing environment for agile to succeed.

But is this a reason to give up?  Sometimes the only way to truly learn something is to make mistakes. If your team uses the excuse of failure to not try new things, you are never going to progress and learn new things or new ways of doing things better.

To be successful, every team must make mistakes as this is part of the learning process. Good team will adjust thinking about failure and failure will become an opportunity to learn, to grow, and become better than they have been.

Organizations should treat agile teams as a professional sports team, where daily practice and coaching is seen as a means to an end, and perfection is strived for, but not always achieved.

The team members must feel as though they are supported and given the space and time they need to learn and grow. This investment and belief in them will produce the exact results that are expected in an Agile team.

Teams will be happier, more productive and individuals will be more loyal to the company when they are encouraged to be successful, are recognized for their achievements and are supported in times of difficulty.

Failing during the transition to agile certainly is not fun, but it is a process that many teams and organizations go through.  If you do find yourself in this position, take the necessary time to learn from this event before trying again.

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